Reya’s book is coming…
Internal Social Justice in Medicine prepares practitioners to live, practice, and teach within the growing racial diversity of their professional lives, offering a dynamic, honest, and compassionate look at the pathology of race-based bias and disclosing a powerful practice to transform it.
Internal Social Justice™ is…
Internal Social Justice is... The work we do, as change agents, on the inside to rewire out of embodied tension. So that he work we do on the outside does not create more harm in the world. All bias — racial, genger, ability, body size, cultural, economic, sexual orientation — settles in the body as tension.
3 Beats
The 3 Beats practice and other centering practices like it, build resilience for all people, and are especially useful for white people who culturally avoid opportunities to build racial resilience. For black and brown folks, the 3 Beats can reduce harm incurred, and for white folks it can reduce harm perpetuated. Resilience and core stability return to us, within emotional charged moments, within pockets of potential, through this meditative and spiritual form of shadow work.
At Peace
A poem, by Señor Ruiz de Nervo, shared by one of The Recenter’s Field Guides, Iris Cutler. Poetry, creativity, and the feeling senses they elicit are part of antiracist work.